John Henrik Clarke: A Great and Mighty Walk
Career Award St. Clair Bourne
In John Henrik Clarke: A Great and Mighty Walk, narrated by Wesley Snipes, Bourne explores the biopic form that has framed much of his work and demonstrates why it is important to tell the stories of exceptional people. As the documentary opens, Bourne asks, “How do you describe a legend?” The film’s answer is that you can’t, but by telling that legend’s story, you can learn a different way of understanding the world. As a pioneer in the field of Africana Studies and a leader in the Pan-Africanist movement, John Henrik Clarke proves an apt subject for this project. His visionary scholarship springs to life as old newsreel footage and arresting images of African art act as a compelling counterpoint to Clarke’s wide-ranging ruminations on the history and culture of Africa. LRB
St. Clair Bourne
Wesley Snipes, Kimiko Jackson
Chris Fiore
Larry Banks
Release Year
Festival Year
United States
Run Time
90 minutes