America Is Hard to See

Thematic Perfect and Otherwise: Documenting American Politics Curated by R.J. Cutler
America Is Hard to See examines Senator Eugene McCarthy’s dramatic and unsuccessful 1968 presidential campaign. Using thousands of feet of newsreel, director Emile de Antonio looks back at McCarthy’s failure to win the Democratic party’s nomination running on a platform of liberal, peace politics. The Minnesota senator’s focus on withdrawing American troops from Vietnam and ending the war transformed a small grassroots crusade of students and young people into a vital political movement, but his vision was ultimately outweighed by the force of Hubert Humphrey’s bid for the nomination. In America Is Hard to See, incisive selections of archival footage offer a textured portrayal of McCarthy’s candidacy, allowing many voices to narrate events. This 16mm print screens courtesy of The Circulating Film and Video Library, part of the Museum of Modern Art’s Department of Fillm. ST
Emile de Antonio
Mary Lampson
Richard Pearce
Release Year
Festival Year
United States
Run Time
101 minutes