2020 School of Doc Films Now Available to Screen!

Did you miss the 2020 School of Doc Virtual Showcase in September? Well, all of the excellent films created by this year’s talented group of young filmmakers are now available on our Vimeo page! After watching their films, be sure to check-out their Q&A, where the students discussed their experience making a short documentary film on their own during the pandemic. 2020 School of Doc Films

Artist Resources and Funds for the Documentary Community

Last updated: 09/10/2020 If you are a documentary artist in need of support, our team has created a running list of grants, funds, networking events and other resources to help.   RELIEF FUNDS National National Endowment for the Arts (list of resources) Artist Relief Fund COVID-19 Grants Directory (IDA) Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund North Carolina NC Artist Relief Fund Chatham Artist and Arts-Workers Relief Effort (CAARE) Durham Artist Relief Fund Durham…

Filmmaker Q&A | BOYS STATE

BOYS STATE (2020 Full Frame Official Selection) dramatically captures the political motivations and strategic calculations of a group of young men who, among a thousand other Texas high school students, take part in a weeklong exercise to build a representative democracy from the ground up. This filmmaker Q&A is moderated by Full Frame director Deirdre Haj and features directors Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine and film subjects Steven Garza and Ben Feinstein. BOYS STATE is…

2020 A&E IndieFilms Speakeasy | Documenting Distress: A Discussion

Throughout history, documentary film has been used to bring to light the abuses that human beings can inflict upon one another, whether during war, genocide, imprisonment, or via policies that force people into desperate conditions, such as exile, migration and/or starvation. Such work can and has brought public awareness to circumstances that bring about changes in laws, policing, public opinion, and inspire cultural norms to shift. How do documentary filmmakers walk the fine line of…

Filmmaker Q&A | THE FIGHT

2020 Full Frame alum THE FIGHT follows a scrappy team of heroic ACLU lawyers in an electrifying battle over abortion rights, immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights and voting rights. Watch the filmmaker Q&A with ACLU attorney and film subject Brigitte Amiri and directors Eli Despres and Elyse Steinberg. This Q&A discussion is moderated by Full Frame director Deirdre Haj.     Watch THE FIGHT at home: fightthefilm.com/watch-at-home/

Full Frame Receives $50,000 From the National Endowment for the Arts

Full Frame is excited to share that we’ve been selected by the National Endowment for the Arts to receive $50,000 through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. We are incredibly grateful for the NEA’s recognition and support of all that we do. Congratulations to the four other Durham-based organizations who received NEA support: the American Dance Festival, North Carolina Central University, the North Carolina Folklife Institute, and the Southern Documentary Fund. To…

Durham Business Partners Win INDY Week’s ‘Best of the Triangle 2020’

We want to congratulate our Durham business partners on being finalists and winning in INDY Week’s ‘Best of the Triangle 2020.’ If you are in a position to do so, we hope you’ll consider supporting these Durham businesses by ordering your next meal with them or purchasing a gift card for future use.   Monuts (Best Bagel in the Triangle, Best Donut in the Triangle) Guglhupf (Best Bakery in Durham County, Best Bakery in Orange/Chatham…

5 Final Docs for Black Music Month

We’ve enjoyed sharing festival alums that showcase Black music and artists during this month. Check out this week’s great selection and our first two installments, 5 Docs to Stream for Black Music Month and 5 More Docs to Stream for Black Music Month!   THE HIP-HOP FELLOW (dir. Kenneth Price) Full Frame 2014 Music producer and turntablist supreme 9th Wonder travels from North Carolina to Massachusetts to become Harvard’s first Hip-Hop Fellow. VHX   MARLEY…

Happy #GlobalBeatlesDay

In celebration of #GlobalBeatlesDay, we want to feature two previous festival alums that pay tribute and highlight the impact that the Beatles had on both music and pop culture. We hope you enjoy these two amazing films!     GOOD OL’ FREDA (dir. Ryan White) Full Frame 2014 Liverpudlian teenager Freda Kelly was the Beatles secretary and tells “one of the last true stories of the Beatles you’ll ever hear.” TUBI, AMAZON PRIME, YOUTUBE  …

5 More Docs to Stream for Black Music Month

Throughout the month of June, we’re sharing festival alums that showcase Black music and artists. Enjoy this week’s great selection and be sure to check out our first installment of 5 Docs to Stream for Black Music Month!     TWO TRAINS RUNNIN’ (dir. Sam Pollard) Full Frame 2016 Featuring animation and performances by Gary Clark Jr. and Lucina Williams, this story of the search for two forgotten blues singers takes us to Mississippi during…