Christo’s Valley Curtain

Thematic In Process: Documenting Creativity

Christo’s Valley Curtain documents artists Christo and Jean-Claude as they embark on a new project, hanging an immense swath of vibrant orange fabric between two Colorado mountains. Realizing such a visionary feat involves navigating a barrage of real-world structural and logistical challenges, including obtaining permissions. Christo sees these obstructions as forces that shape and inspire the work; they are an essential part of the process. The film observes the artists planning in their studio and then directing production onsite as an incredible field of construction workers and equipment—cranes, heavy-duty wire, and industrial wrenches—bring their concept to life. Christo’s Valley Curtain is one of many films by David and Albert Maysles that follow Christo and Jean-Claude during the creation and execution of their monumental installations in both natural and built environments. Indeed, the longstanding collaboration between the artists and the filmmakers is an extension of their works of art.  ST


Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Ellen Giffard


Albert Maysles, David Maysles


Ellen Giffard


Albert Maysles

Release Year


Festival Year



United States

Run Time

26 minutes