Announcing New Festival Dates! See you June 2–6, 2021

    We’re moving to June! In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact this has had on industry calendars,  audiences, and filmmakers, Full Frame has decided to move our annual festival to June 2–6, 2021.

    “Our priority continues to be the safety of our audiences and our filmmakers,” says Full Frame director, Deirdre Haj. “We plan to build upon what we’ve learned from last year’s online festival and the virtual programs we’ve produced throughout the summer and fall to create a safe event that celebrates the spirit of Full Frame in a new way.”

    Currently, we’re exploring options for a dynamic virtual event that will include film screenings, panel conversations, and networking opportunities for filmmakers and guests.

    The festival intends to remain in April after 2021.

    Sign-up for the Full Frame Newsletter to receive all the exciting festival updates!

    Read the full press release here!